Ensuring that your child is getting ample time to play and exercise is important for helping them to develop into healthy and well-adjusted adults. Unfortunately, those that live in areas with harsh winters may find that much of the year is not particularly conducive to spending time outside. To help your child to continue to be able to play outside without exposing them to unnecessary health risks, there are several winter safety tips you may want to utilize.
Ensure Your Children Take Frequent Breaks
When your child is spending time playing outside, you will need to make sure they are taking frequent breaks. These breaks will allow them to warm up so that the risk of developing hypothermia or frostbite are kept as low as possible. Ideally, these breaks should occur every hour, and you may want to provide your child with warm tea or hot chocolate to further help them to warm up before heading back outside. If your child is using hand or feet warmers while they are outside playing, this can also be a chance to replace them.
Have Them Wear Helmets When Sledding
Sledding is a popular activity, but it can be surprisingly risky. It is possible for a sled to attain high speeds. Furthermore, it can be remarkably easy to lose control of a sled due to striking a pebble or bump. To minimize the risk of your child suffering a head injury while sledding, you should make sure that a helmet is worn whenever your child goes sledding. For more protection, you may find that knee and elbow pads can offer substantial protection. While your child may resist this safety gear, it can be essential for minimizing the risk of them suffering injuries.
Protect Your Child's Feet
If you live in an area where snowfall is a regular occurrence, your child's feet may be prone to becoming wet. This can occur due to snow melting when it comes into contact with the shoe. Eventually, this moisture will seep into the shoe and come into contact with the feet. This can put the feet at a much higher risk of developing frostbite, and it can severely impact the comfort of your child. In many instances, waterproof shoes may be impractical or simply too expensive. Luckily, you can still help to protect your child's feet from becoming wet by wrapping plastic bags around the socks. This will make a protective layer that will prevent water from reaching the socks and feet while still being discreet.
To learn more about keeping your kids safe or if your child gets injured, contact local services that provide urgent care for children.