Many people put massive amounts of time into caring for their body. They spend thousands of dollars on products for their skin, they take vitamins to help their organs, and they workout all the time. But they fail to think about one of their most important organs, their eyes. Too many people don't care for their eyes as they should. Here are some things you can do to care for your eyes.
1. Protect Your Eyes From The Sun
The sun can damage your eyes just like it damages your skin. If you don't wear sunglasses while you are outside, you could be harming your eyes. Additionally, you should know that in the winter the sun is just as dangerous as in the summer. If you live in a snowy place, it could be even more dangerous. This is because the sun reflects off the snow and can beat down even more on your eyes. Get good sunglasses and keep them with you every time you are outside. Also, you can wear a hat with a large bill that will keep your eyes shaded and protected from the sun.
2. Take A Break From Contacts
Another thing that people do to damage their eyes is wear their contacts too often. Contacts are great because they allow you to have freedom from your glasses, but contacts also damage the cornea. Not only will a damaged cornea prevent you from being able to get Lasik down the road, if you choose to do that, but it can leave your eye more susceptible to infection and further problems. This is why you shouldn't wear contacts every day.
3. Stay On Top Of Your Eye Doctor Appointments
Lastly, you should be seeing your ophthalmologist often, at least every year or so. This is because many diseases of the eyes don't have signs like other diseases. In fact, by the time that you notice something changing in your eye, it is usually too late. Something like a glaucoma is often unnoticed until the damage is done. The only way to detect these problems, and prevent them, is to have the eye doctor do a full inspection and exam of your eyes. Then if they do see something concerning, they can treat it before you have long-term vision problems.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to protect your eyes. If you suspect a problem, meet with an ophthalmology specialist right away.