In spite of the fact that endometriosis affects a large percentage of women throughout the world, there is still so much we do not understand about the medical condition that causes extreme and debilitating pain.
Endometriosis occurs when the tissues and cells typically found in the uterine lining begin to grow in places outside the uterus, like in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. For many women, the condition is difficult to diagnose in spite of the fact that they know something is not quite right. This means that many women go undiagnosed for years while living with the pain.
Understanding the symptoms of endometriosis can help women make better healthcare decisions for themselves. Armed with this understanding, you may be able to find solid ground with your doctor with a diagnose and treatment plan.
Dysmenorrhea refers to painful menstrual periods. Not only is the pain more intense than usual, but women may also exhibit heavier periods than usual. They may also tend to bleed on a more irregular basis rather than at standard 28-day intervals.
Pelvic Pain
Many women with endometriosis complain of pelvic pain, especially during and after sexual intercourse. The pain may feel like an intense burning or cramping, and it is not associated with a physical injury.
In some cases, the pain may extend to the lower back region. This pain is most common during menstruation as well.
Painful Urination & Bowel Movements
Women with this condition often discuss being in pain when they urinate or defecate. The pain may be more intense during menstruation, or perhaps it is only present during this time of the month.
Abdominal Issues
When women have endometriosis, they often also experience abdominal pain and bloating. They also find themselves unable to tolerate certain foods, which can lead to either diarrhea or constipation.
If you have been struggling to get pregnant, endometriosis could be one reason why. Women often learn that they have the condition while undergoing treatment for infertility.
What Should You Do If You Have Endometriosis?
First, you should talk to a doctor to receive a diagnosis. Many times, this requires a laparoscopic surgery to determine.
If you believe that you have endometriosis, you should get a gynecology exam out by a doctor. Endometriosis is difficult to live with, but it is a condition you may be able to manage with medications, contraception, or hormonal therapy. In rare cases, the doctor may consider surgery or a hysterectomy.