Understanding Medical Problems

Interrelatedness Of What Audiologists And ENT Otolaryngologists Do In Caring For Your Hearing Loss

An ENT physician is a highly-trained specialist who treats medical conditions of your ear, nose, and throat. It may be a bit confusing for you to understand why you need to see an audiologist about your ear issues. However, there is a distinct interrelatedness of both disciplines in meeting your healthcare needs. They both conjointly work in caring for your needs when you experience hearing loss.

Your Need For Seeing An ENT Physician

Your ENT physician is a trained and licensed physician who handles all your complaints regarding ear, nose, and throat issues. Also referred to as otolaryngologists, they treat you for diseases and disorders of both your neck and head. They are highly-skilled and licensed surgeons as well. What medical condition should then prompt you to visit an ENT physician for treatment, and just what kinds of surgery do they perform?

Medical Condition Issues

Common conditions treated by ENT physicians include sinusitis, allergies, earaches and swimmer's ear problems. These conditions notably fall within the category of head and neck issues. There are other conditions such as earwax buildup and Streptococcus (a Gram-positive bacteria that often results in tonsillitis). Ringing in your ear sounds, sinus pressure, and related headaches are also common and miserable conditions that can be treated by your ENT specialist. Numerous ENT conditions afflict young children and adults alike. So it's best to establish an early relationship with an ENT doctor for yourself and your children ahead of time. You will need this service at some point in time, and surgical procedures may be indicated.

Surgical Procedures

Surgical procedures performed by ENT physicians include surgical removal of tonsils. They also perform ear tube surgery and do otoplasty as well, which corrects protruding ears. ENT doctors also evaluate possible hearing loss problems and work closely with audiologists who conduct hearing loss testing.

Must You Be Examined By An Audiologist?

Audiology is the science of hearing, and the study behind a hearing test is relevant. So audiologists may be called on by an ENT physician to conduct your hearing loss testing. Some audiologists are affiliated with an ENT physician practice and have offices at ENT practice sites. Audiologists generally possess a master's degree in their field of study. Some of them further pursue a doctorate in their field, which is the equivalent of a Ph.D. degree. When audiologists test your hearing, they are attempting to learn why you've suffered hearing loss. So be alert and watch for symptoms of hearing loss.

Signs Of Hearing Loss

You may be losing your ability to hear well. The loss is perhaps slow but recognizable. You're at a loss to identify any current or prior medical conditions you've had that can be associated with hearing loss. At this point, you should be evaluated by an audiologist who will send the test results to your ENT physician.