Medical marijuana has been legalized in many states. This is great news since medical marijuana can be used to treat many common ailments, ranging from anxiety to chronic pain. After you've gotten your medical marijuana card, you'll need to choose the cannabis that's right for your symptoms. The strain of cannabis that you choose matters; some varieties may work bette
The risk of developing breast cancer can be a major concern for some women. Catching cancer when it is in the earlier stages is a matter of being vigilant and proactive about your breast health and doing screenings suggested by your doctor. Do Self-Exams Self-exams remain the most proactive way of finding breast cancer or other breast abnormalities. You should learn t
Your personal mobility can be one of the most important factors in determining your quality of life and sense of personal freedom. However, there are many conditions that can have major impacts on a person's mobility, and these patients may need to utilize mobility scooters if they are to minimize these impacts. Myth: A Person Must Be Totally Disabled to Benefit from